Why the Democrats are a Perfect Ruling Class Party

“Since the Dems have the most gullible and brainwashed membership in the US, with a mentality akin to an abused wife, ready to believe anything, including the tallest tale of them all in recent history, the Russia-gate Hoax. The Dems’ rank and file will swallow anything, accept any abuse, as long as it hurts Donald Trump, always regarded by this expertly conditioned mass as the ‘greater evil’.

While many in the Republican base have at least developed a robust dislike and distrust of the system, ‘the Washington insiders’,  the Dems continue to believe in the fantasy of a flawed but working democracy.  The Republican establishment is completely loyal to the oligarchy that owns both parties, in reality two faces of the duopoly. This makes the Republicans  at present a rather unstable, fractured entity, from the ruling oligarchy’s viewpoint).”

–  via/Garland Nixon

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