One of the co-founders of the Occupy movement tells us why all the protests in the world won’t help us if we don’t have a plan for taking power. He points out the failures of protests in the past. While we might not agree with all his proposals, we do agree that protests without long-term social plans aren’t going anywhere.

While the main theme that one should have a strategy to take power is good, but did you notice that their context was strictly within the capitalist system? I don’t think that one should post articles that refer in any positive sense to a website that promotes the capitalist class.
Hi Ron – and thank you for your feedback. We know that The Guardian promotes the capitalist class and, more precisely, the liberal capitalist class – right up there with the NY Times and so many others. We try hard to pull from a variety of sources, Labor Notes, Global Research, Al Jazeera, libcom, WSWS, etc. and sometimes those sources are mainstream. We don’t respect the Guardian, but we do respect Micah White. Hope that provides some context.