Occupy Forum: Understanding the Role of Cyberspace and Social Change

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Date(s) - 01/06/2015
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Global Exchange


In 2011 demonstrations, direct action, revolt, and revolution swept the world. This wave of revolt, the largest since 1989 and 1969, was in part a product of ongoing technological changes and how people used them to bring about social change. Beginning in Tunisia and ending in Hong Kong the wave of revolt was born in a digital sea.

How cyberspace and digital technology facilitated the upheaval of 2011 is an element that is well-known and becoming better understood all the time. Mobile technology, social media, and the growth of the Internet have made it possible for a handful of activists to achieve unprecedented exposure and impact. Through examining how the 2011 movements used computer and communication technology to plan, organize, and mobilize for action we can achieve even greater successes.

Join Occupy Forum, facilitated by Ryan Smith, for a talk and discussion of how cyberspace made 2011 possible and what we can learn from that year. Working together we can better use the developments of the Digital Revolution to bring about social justice for everyone.

Q&A and Announcements to follow.

About Barbara MacLean

Barbara MacLean has worked as an academic and career counselor at California State University, East Bay (CSUEB), Merritt and West Valley Colleges and as a career counselor and manager of the Oakland One Stop Career Center, a public career and jobs center in partnership with EDD. She is a co-founder and editor of Planning Beyond Capitalism.

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