Upcoming Events
- Cuban revolutionary Antonio Maceo is born (18450 - 14/06/2025 - All Day
- 1996: Borders Books fires worker for IWW organizing - 15/06/2025 - All Day
- President Jacobo Arbenz enacts agrarian reform in Guatemala (1952) - 17/06/2025 - All Day
- Students for a Democratic Society holds 9th and final conference (1969) - 18/06/2025 - All Day
- 1953: ILWU begins four-day general strike against jailing of 7 unionists, Hawaii - 19/06/2025 - All Day
- Civil Rights Act of 1964 passes after 83-day filibuster in Senate (1964) - 19/06/2025 - All Day
- 1893: American Railway Union headed by Eugene Debs founded - 20/06/2025 - All Day
- 1947: Anti-worker Taft-Hartley Act passed by Congress - 23/06/2025 - All Day
- Congress overrides Presidential veto, passes notorious Taft-Hartley Act (1947) - 23/06/2025 - All Day
- 1848: Birth of Albert Parsons, Haymarket martyr - 24/06/2025 - All Day
- Today in Labor History: Agnes Nestor - Intl Glove Workers' Union - Born on this Day in 1880 - 24/06/2025 - All Day
- 1947: Anti-worker Taft-Hartley Act passed by Congress - 26/06/2025 - All Day
- 1869: Emma Goldman Born - 27/06/2025 - All Day
- 1905: Industrial Workers of the World founding convention begins, Chicago - 27/06/2025 - All Day
- 1816: Luddites smash 53 frames at Heathcoat & Boden's Mill, Loughborough, England. Troops crush rebellion. Six executed. - 28/06/2025 - All Day
- Stonewall Riots begin; kick-start gay rights movements (1969) - 28/06/2025 - All Day
- Today in Labor History 1816 - Textile Workers in England Attack Mills - 28/06/2025 - 12:00 am
- 1936: IWW strikes Weyerhauser and other Idaho lumber camps - 29/06/2025 - All Day
- 1892: Homestead strike begins - 30/06/2025 - All Day
- 2011: 200,000 strike against cuts to UK public worker pensions - 30/06/2025 - All Day