Upcoming Events
- 1920: 500,000 Italian metal workers occupy their factories - 01/09/2025 - All Day
- 1917: Mass arrests of IWWs ordered by U.S. Attorney General Palmer - 02/09/2025 - All Day
- 1921: Mass arrests of IWW ordered by US Attorney General Palmer - 02/09/2025 - All Day
- 1921: Mine owners bomb West Virginia strikers by plane - 02/09/2025 - All Day
- 1882: 30,000 march in New York's first Labor Day parade - 05/09/2025 - All Day
- 1918: Palmer raids on all IWW halls and offices in US - 05/09/2025 - All Day
- First Labor Day Observed - September 5, 1882 - 05/09/2025 - All Day
- 1911: Joe Hill's "The Preacher and the Slave" first appears in IWW Little Red Songbook - 07/09/2025 - All Day
- 1932: 2 locked-our coal miners killed while picketing. Featherstone, England - 07/09/2025 - All Day
- 1936: IWW strikes Weyerhaeuser and other Idaho lumber camps - 07/09/2025 - All Day
- 1946: 400,000 miners strike - 07/09/2025 - All Day
- 1911: National Confederation of Labor founded in Spain - 08/09/2025 - All Day
- Attica Prison Uprising - 09/09/2025 - All Day
- 1797: Pioneering feminist Mary Wollstonecraft dies - 10/09/2025 - All Day
- 1918: Eugene Debs sentenced to 10 years for opposing the war - 12/09/2025 - All Day
- 1936: IWW seamen strike to block arms shipment to Franco's fascists, ISU scabs - 12/09/2025 - All Day
- 1971: Rebellion at Attica Prison; police kill 39 prisoners and hostages - 13/09/2025 - All Day
- 1849: Margaret Sanger born - 14/09/2025 - All Day
- 1873: Mexican revolutionary Ricardo Flores Magón born - 16/09/2025 - All Day
- 1868: Working Women's Association formed in U.S. - 17/09/2025 - All Day